Thursday, December 31, 2015
what is memory skill?
IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi
A memory skill is like a TM (technical machine) in Pokemon, it is also contained in a Pokeball. You will use it to teach a new skill among three types (offensive/defensive/support) to your Digimon.
But there s a lot of limitations:
IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi
1) no jogress can learn those skills,
IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi
2) only the current form of the Digimon you choosed will learn it (example: you use the item on a rookie: champion and above won't be able to use the skill), and only one memory skill can be teached to the Digimon,
IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi
3) memory skills are cash shop exclusive (Digimental price),
IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi
4) you can not choose the skill you want: you must buy the pokeball from the desired category in cashshop then pray to get the skill you want: there are three category, each category has several skills, and each skill three levels... so the probability is low.
IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi
5) the use of one such skill will obviously cost Digi-Soul from your Digimon, but also some disks items (50 included in the Cash Shop PokeBall). Those items can be bought from some NPC (with Megabytes) or dropped from certain Digimon.
IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi
If you are interested in the exact available effects, look at this FoxyGamer's review.
Tuesday, December 29, 2015
Side-by-side configuration is incorrect
all you need to do is install 'VCRedist
and this too vcred 2005
IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi
and this too vcred 2005
IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi
Monday, December 28, 2015
how to get other tamers?
Question: how to get other tamers?
1. Every mobs in file island can drop tamers
2. Devimon raid can give you tai tamer[just get a decent rank] not the crack dungeon devi
3. You can take a random tamer box at jijimon shop in canyon, by doing the daily quests and killing diablomon
1. Every mobs in file island can drop tamers
2. Devimon raid can give you tai tamer[just get a decent rank] not the crack dungeon devi
3. You can take a random tamer box at jijimon shop in canyon, by doing the daily quests and killing diablomon

Ban reason and punishment
Reason: Duplication of items, and sadly buying this duplicated items
how they duplicate? with this -watch-
but that process u just watch is incomplete and require 2 more step to do
i recommend not doing this for your own safety

Wednesday, December 23, 2015
Digimon Masters news
GDMO NEWS dec 28 2015
IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi
people got banned by using duplication bug
watch this to see how 50% of the process of duplication is done -watch-
some of the people got banned because of casper bug here
to see the punishment for different kind of violation see here punishment

IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi
KDMO UPDATE dec 23 2015
Updated list for game contents
A: Armor Riding mode
C: intimacy Tool Tip is added and Intimacy system is improved on Tamer’s
information window.
D:New item Digital soul affinity
E: Update to Golden banana
F:Santa Costume Sale
G:Steel Aura drop rate has been Increased
A. Digimon : Blitzmon / Ginryumon Riding mode
B. System :
i. Drop cap removed
ii. Exp cap for quests removed
iii. Duplication amount of items increased
iv. Account Storage is updated
v. Dats center is decorated to celebrate Christmas
vi. Intimacy Tool Tip is added and Intimacy system is improved on Tamer’s
information window.
vii. Auto save function for UI location is added according to Chat window UI update.
C. Bug Fix
i. When tamer reinforce Digimon through Richard Sampson in Dats center,
some Digimon which has quite big scale is not fit on it. The object bug is fixed.
ii. Site name is expressed in Map information window.
3. Updated list for Cash shop in-game
-Santa Costume / Evil God Fruit package / Blitzmon Package / Consignment Shop license (Frigimon)
dec 2015
TOP things that could be released
1. Spirits
2. lilithmon
3. Shoutmon
4. Ballistamon
5. Guild System
6. EDG
7. drop cap removal.....which i highly doubt, they always lie
IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi
people got banned by using duplication bug
watch this to see how 50% of the process of duplication is done -watch-
some of the people got banned because of casper bug here
to see the punishment for different kind of violation see here punishment

IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi
KDMO UPDATE dec 23 2015
Updated list for game contents
A: Armor Riding mode
C: intimacy Tool Tip is added and Intimacy system is improved on Tamer’s
information window.
D:New item Digital soul affinity
E: Update to Golden banana
F:Santa Costume Sale
G:Steel Aura drop rate has been Increased
dec 22 2015 update
IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIiUpdated list for game contents
A. Digimon : Blitzmon / Ginryumon Riding mode
B. System :
i. Drop cap removed
ii. Exp cap for quests removed
iii. Duplication amount of items increased
iv. Account Storage is updated
v. Dats center is decorated to celebrate Christmas
vi. Intimacy Tool Tip is added and Intimacy system is improved on Tamer’s
information window.
vii. Auto save function for UI location is added according to Chat window UI update.
C. Bug Fix
i. When tamer reinforce Digimon through Richard Sampson in Dats center,
some Digimon which has quite big scale is not fit on it. The object bug is fixed.
ii. Site name is expressed in Map information window.
3. Updated list for Cash shop in-game
-Santa Costume / Evil God Fruit package / Blitzmon Package / Consignment Shop license (Frigimon)
dec 2015
TOP things that could be released
1. Spirits
2. lilithmon
3. Shoutmon
4. Ballistamon
5. Guild System
6. EDG
7. drop cap removal.....which i highly doubt, they always lie
Monday, December 21, 2015
why use devil fruit?
- its a fruit that make ur digimon get to the lowest possible size.
3/5 digi uses devil fruit from 90% it becomes 72%[the lowest possible size]
Question: why the fuck use and buy that shit?
Answer: because after using a devil fruit and getting it to the lowest size possible and using a goddess fruit on it will get it a chance to have the highest possible size

5/5 digi uses devil fruit from 125% it becomes 118%[the lowest possible size] and u used a goddess fruit on it and it will have a chance on 130%[the Highest possible size]
- its a fruit that make ur digimon get to the lowest possible size.
3/5 digi uses devil fruit from 90% it becomes 72%[the lowest possible size]
Question: why the fuck use and buy that shit?
Answer: because after using a devil fruit and getting it to the lowest size possible and using a goddess fruit on it will get it a chance to have the highest possible size
5/5 digi uses devil fruit from 125% it becomes 118%[the lowest possible size] and u used a goddess fruit on it and it will have a chance on 130%[the Highest possible size]
Saturday, December 19, 2015
DMO money making guide 2016
1st way for sure is dragon data farming see here[use search in blog above]
Chicken farming in Ogremon raid, Meramon raid, Kuwagamon raid, Monochromon raid
do Etemon raid for Quadcore Rings
Do Pyramid Normal and and get datamon normal boxes and sell everything
Pyramid Attribute Box
DigiClon Box (D-S)
RandomDATA Box
Backup Disk
Mysterious Fruit
Monster Card Lv6
Chicken Combo 10x
Do Chimera normal or hero[if you can do hero mode]
Sell gate D or Access data coils
Chicken farming in Ogremon raid, Meramon raid, Kuwagamon raid, Monochromon raid
do Etemon raid for Quadcore Rings
Do Pyramid Normal and and get datamon normal boxes and sell everything
Datamon Treasure Box (Normal)
Obtainable items are:Pyramid Attribute Box
DigiClon Box (D-S)
RandomDATA Box
Backup Disk
Mysterious Fruit
Monster Card Lv6
Chicken Combo 10x
Do Chimera normal or hero[if you can do hero mode]
Raid Drops List
- Chimairamon's Data for Normal
- Worn Digi-Egg of Miracles
- Worn Miraculous Digi-egg Box
- Monster Card Lv7 3x
- Monster Card Lv5 3x
- Miracle Fruit
- Chicken Combo
- Chimairamon's Data for Hero
- Digi-Egg of Miracles
- Worn Digi-Egg of Miracles
- Worn Miraculous Digi-egg Box
- Lv8 All Family Chipsets HP DS DF AT
- AT and MS Attributes AT 27-220 MS 1-10%
- Fruit of the Goddess 2x
- Monster Card Lv7 5x
- Monster Card Lv6 5x
- Monster Card Lv5 5x
- Miracle Fruit 5x
- Clone A 4x
- Chicken Combo
- Random MidDATA box
Sell gate D or Access data coils
DMO farm dragon data fast
Dragon DATA chips are the DATA Chips that are necessary when trying to hatch a Mercenary Digimon of the Dragon family.
IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi
This are the best Dragon data farming places
DMO farm dragon data
Guilmon at snow area
DarkTower exv or war greymon
monodramon B2 DATS
maze entrance hisharyuumon
IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi
IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi
IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi
This are the best Dragon data farming places
DMO farm dragon data
Guilmon at snow area
DarkTower exv or war greymon
monodramon B2 DATS
maze entrance hisharyuumon
IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi
How to Get
Though Dragon DATA can not be purchased from designated Digimon Masters Online shops, it can be purchased from the DMO cash shop for either premium silk or silk. Dragon DATA can also be purchased from other DMO players ranging at a variety of different prices.- Cash Shop Prices
- 30EA 20P
- 10EA 8P
- 30EA 20S
- 10EA 8S
IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi
Friday, December 18, 2015
Digimon masters Leveling guide
Digimon masters Power Leveling guide
Hello tamers! and welcome to this leveling guide on Digimon Masters Online (DMO). This guide is a hopeful initiative to help new tamers and digimon lovers with their digimon taming and leveling experience on DMO.
First Off
- Green ! on the map = usually its a repeatable quest(can be ignored on lower levels 1 - 33digimon level)
- Grey ! on the map = Will have a quest for you, in the future (higher tamer or digi lvl needed).
- Purple ! on the map = main quest ( a must to finish to progress on the game)
- Yellow ! on the map = sub quest that sometimes unlock mainquest
GUIDE to easy leveling
A)-just do quest specially the MAIN quest
-Why do main quest only?
Answer. - the subquest and repeatable quest there will just drain ur time its useless
B)-ignore the repeatables and sub quest if u want, most of the subquest at yokohama area is nonsense compare to rewards in other areas, but some subquest there will teach u how to hatch an egg and how to use a rider wing(item used to unlock ride option on a digimon)
C)-after you are done in Yokohama area go to western area and do main quest there until u reach digimon level 33( lv31 will do but take ur digi to lv33 to be sure)
-how can i get to western area?
Answer - go to DATS and look for the npc that will take u to the train station.its in the lower part ofDATS
- then talk to starmon and he will take u to the western area
D)- and when u have a digimon level 33 head to oil refinery-3 ......yes directly to oil refinery -3 and go find the dexdorugreymon's there, those digimons gives alot of exp. SHOUT and say LFP lv33+ DEX, and if lucky a party will invite u and just kill those DEX until u reach lv46 digimon
TIPS - JUST USE SKILLS(F1 F2) to kill the dexdorugreymons therebecause at lvl 33 U WILLMISS
-how can i get to oil refinery?
Answer - go to yokohama east and find the NPC that willtake u to oil refinery -1,yes there will be quest there but ignore all those quest and just head to oil refinery- 3 and kill DEX
E)this is the final part and the easiest part
- go to file island when ur digimon is lv46
Questions? - how can i get there?
Answer - go to the train station and find elecmon and he will take u to the village of beginning
-JUST DO ALL the QUEST there and reach digimon LEVEL 99, that place gives a bucket load of EXP sometimes just by talking to npcs
Hello tamers! and welcome to this leveling guide on Digimon Masters Online (DMO). This guide is a hopeful initiative to help new tamers and digimon lovers with their digimon taming and leveling experience on DMO.
First Off
- Green ! on the map = usually its a repeatable quest(can be ignored on lower levels 1 - 33digimon level)
- Grey ! on the map = Will have a quest for you, in the future (higher tamer or digi lvl needed).
- Purple ! on the map = main quest ( a must to finish to progress on the game)
- Yellow ! on the map = sub quest that sometimes unlock mainquest
GUIDE to easy leveling
A)-just do quest specially the MAIN quest
-Why do main quest only?
Answer. - the subquest and repeatable quest there will just drain ur time its useless
B)-ignore the repeatables and sub quest if u want, most of the subquest at yokohama area is nonsense compare to rewards in other areas, but some subquest there will teach u how to hatch an egg and how to use a rider wing(item used to unlock ride option on a digimon)
C)-after you are done in Yokohama area go to western area and do main quest there until u reach digimon level 33( lv31 will do but take ur digi to lv33 to be sure)
-how can i get to western area?
Answer - go to DATS and look for the npc that will take u to the train station.its in the lower part ofDATS
- then talk to starmon and he will take u to the western area
D)- and when u have a digimon level 33 head to oil refinery-3 ......yes directly to oil refinery -3 and go find the dexdorugreymon's there, those digimons gives alot of exp. SHOUT and say LFP lv33+ DEX, and if lucky a party will invite u and just kill those DEX until u reach lv46 digimon
TIPS - JUST USE SKILLS(F1 F2) to kill the dexdorugreymons therebecause at lvl 33 U WILLMISS
-how can i get to oil refinery?
Answer - go to yokohama east and find the NPC that willtake u to oil refinery -1,yes there will be quest there but ignore all those quest and just head to oil refinery- 3 and kill DEX
E)this is the final part and the easiest part
- go to file island when ur digimon is lv46
Questions? - how can i get there?
Answer - go to the train station and find elecmon and he will take u to the village of beginning
-JUST DO ALL the QUEST there and reach digimon LEVEL 99, that place gives a bucket load of EXP sometimes just by talking to npcs
Alpha and beta eggs , digi you can get from them
IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi
IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi
-Lv 60+ Tamer
-Lv 41+ Dracomon(Blue) with Slayerdramon unlocked.
-Lv 41+ Dracomon(Green) with Brakedramon unlocked.
IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi
You pick up their quests from Calumon <Jogress> at Dats Center.
IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi
Dracomon(Blue) Quests
IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi
1. Talk to Calumon in Dats
2. Talk again with Calumon.You will have to kill Guilmon until you get the requested item.
3. Talk again with Calumon.Then go these 5 areas :
3.1-Western Area: East-Hideout (Near Greymon)
3.2-Western Area: West-Unknown Ruins(Near Okuwamon)
3.3-Snowman Village-Digimon Grave (Near Chrysalimon)
3.4-Frozen Ground-Freezing Point (Near Renamon)
3.5-Infinite Ice Wall-Frozen Waterfall (Near Gizumon)
4. Talk again with Calumon. Calumon will give you Brakedramon boss card item. Use it anywhere... And Kill.
5. Talk again with Calumon:
5.1-Collect 15-20 Data Access Coil in Oil Refinery-2 & Oil Refinery-3.
5.2-Then use it But You can use only in Oil Refinery-3.If you work, you should get a boss Machinedramon.Kill him.
6. Take the short Jogress Chip quests off Omnimon to finish up and unlock the Examon Slot.
IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi
Dracomon(Green) Quests
IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi
1. Talk to Calumon in Dats.
2. Talk again with Calumon. You will have to kill SkullGreymon until you get the requested item.
3. Talk again with Calumon. Calumon will give you 4 Coil Data Hack item. Use them item in these Digimons:
3.1-Distorted Data Village
3.2-Oil Refinery-2
4. Talk again with Calumon.Calumon will give you Slayerdramon boss card item.Then use this anywhere.. And Kill.
5. Talk again with Calumon :
5.1-Collect 15-20 data access coil in Oil Refinery-2 & 3
5.2-Then use it But You can use only in Oil Refinery-3. If you work, you should get a boss Machinedramon. Kill him.
6. Take the short Jogress Chip quests off Omnimon to finish up and unlock the Examon Slot.
IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi
IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi
-Lv 70+ Tamer
-Lv 41+ Agumon with VictoryGreymon Locked.
-Lv 41+ Agumon with WarGreymon unlocked.
-Lv 41+ Gabumon with ZeedGarurumon Locked.
-Lv 41+ Gabumon with MetalGarurumon unlocked.
-Digimon Maze F3, Room 4 unlocked.
(Alternatively, just Floor 3 if you can find someone to kill the digimon required in Room 4.)
IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi
Digimon Maze Floor 3, Room 2 Unlocked. It goes 1>2>3>4, so again, if you haven't unlocked it, find someone who has.
You now need to do quests for both Agumon and Gabumon and complete them all.
You can only have one of their quests at a time. To pick up their respective quest, have that digimon out.
IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi
You pick up their quests from Calumon <Jogress> at Dats Center.
IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi
Agumon Quests
IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi
1. Eliminate Keramon Leader's in D-Terminal-Dungeon-B2. (Self-Explanatory. Dungeon-B2 in Dats. Req. lv 50 Tamer.)
2. Go to Akihiro Kurata at Yokohama Village after eliminating Keramon Leader.
(He is in the middle of the village, next to tree.)
3. Go back to Calumon in Dats and get the quest to Infermon (Destroyer) in Digimon Maze F3.
4. Go back to Calumon, and get quest to collect a Diablomon Time Bomb.png Diablomon's Time Bomb off Diablomon in Infinite Ice Wall.
(They are past Gizumon. It has a low drop rate.)
5. Go back to Calumon, get quest to summon Armagemon and get a quest drop off him. (Summon him using Armagemon's Tentacle.png Armagemon's Tentacle).
6. Take the short Jogress Chip quests off Omnimon to finish up and unlock the Omnimon Slot.
IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi
Gabumon Quests
IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi
1. Calumon wants you to eliminate Seadramon (Leader) in Snowman Village.
2. Go back to Calumon, pick up quest to eliminate Infermon (Inferno) in Digimon Maze F3. (They are in room 4.)
3. Go to Calumon and pick up quest to get Diablomon Time Bomb.png Diablomon's Time Bomb off Diablomon's in Infinite Ice Wall.
(They are past Gizumon. It has a low drop rate.)
4. Go back to Calumon, get quest to summon Armagemon and get a quest drop off him. (Summon him using Armagemon's Tentacle.png Armagemon's Tentacle).
5. Take the short Jogress Chip quests off Omnimon to finish up and unlock the Omnimon Slot.
IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi
You should now have the ability to Digivolve to Omnimon.
IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi
Regarding Armagemon
IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi
Make sure that the person with the quest hits him first.
He is summoned in front of the broken part of the wall at Digimon Maze Entrance.
IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi
His attribute is Un and weak to light. He hits for about ~600 per hit every 2-ish seconds.
It is a long fight, even with four people.
He is soloable with BM however you will be constantly using Chicken Combo or HP Disks.
On second thought, you'll be constantly be using consumables no matter what Digimon is used to tank it.
Even with 12EV he will hit you somewhat half the time. I recommend having people help out to make it go faster.
IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi
-Lv 55+ Tamer and Lv 70 to get the last quest in the GDMO and Lv 70 in the KDMO.
-Lv 41+ Dorumon(ReptileDramon) Alphamon unlocked.
-Lv 41+ Ryuudamon with OuRyuumon unlocked.
Dorumon(ReptileDramon) Quests
IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi
1. Go to Gallantmon <Royal Knights> at Infinite Ice Wall.(Right side of map, near gizu.) Turn in quest. Get next quest.
2. Kill SkullGreymon for Gallantmon's Records. (It says get rid of Arkadimon. Dunno why.)
3. Gallantmon tells you to find Leomon <X-Antibodies Predator>. (Left side of map.)
4. Leomon tells you to Kill 10 Anubismons. Turn into Calumon at Dats. (Check your quest Reward Person just in case.)
5. Calumon tells you to pick up Transmission Terminal Gate A from him.
6. Collect Death X Antibodies A,B,C,D. ( Important notes on this below. GO READ. )
7. Speak with Omnimon to get Jogress chips and unlock the Jogress slot.
IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi
Ryuudamon Quests
IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi
1. Pick up quest from Calumon in Dats.
2. Go to Calumon at Snowman Village. (He gives next few quests.)
3. Calumon wants you to kill Seadramon for Records on the Legend of the Dragon King 0/1.
4. Calumon wants you to find place where the Aqua Orb is at rest and use the quest item he gave you.
(Near the penguins and use the detection stone.)
5. Turn in quest to Calumon. Follow the prompts. This should lead you back to Calumon at Dats.
6. Collect Spoiled X Antibodies off DexDoruGreymons in Oil Refinery-3 . 0/200. (Yes, get 200. Have fun ~.~)
7. Hand in quest, get quest to talk to Omnimon. Talk to Omnimon to get Jogress chips and unlock slot.
IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi
You should now have the ability to Digivolve to Alphamon Ouryuken.
IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi
DexDorugoramon Bosses (Death X Antibodies A,B,C,D)
IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi
How it works:
-You need Death X Antibodies A, B, C and D.
-They drop off the DexDoru summoned from Transmission Gates A,B,C,D respectively.
-They are not 100% Drop.
-This means you summon DexDorugoramon A with Transmission Gate A. You kill it.
It might drop the required quest item Death X Antibody A. It might drop Transmission Gate B.
-If you get Transmission Gate B, then you summon the next DexDorugoramon Boss 'DexDoru B'.
You kill it. It might drop required quest item Death X Antibody B. It might drop Transmission Gate C.
-It goes on like that. A>B>C>D. If it doesn't drop the Transmission Gate you need,
you need to start over again. You can buy more Transmission Gates A from Calumon.
-You can kill DexDoru boss, and get a Transmission Gate but not a Antibody.
Just use it and kill the higher Dexdoru boss and hope for the next Gate/Antibody quest item.
-You summon them in Western Area: Outskirts, at the top left corner called <Gloomy Outer Area>.
IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi
Important Notes
IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi
-The higher the Transmission Gate, the stronger they get.
-The normal amount I found people had to use is 30-ish Transmission Gate A.
-I recommend getting at least 2 people to help you.
-The bosses are not tough. The hardest is considerably easier than Armagemon.
They still have lots of health. And you will end up killing lots, unless you are lucky with the drops.
*DexDorugoramon bosses are effected by the drop-cap.
You cannot get your high level Digimon to kill them for you.
Get a friend to help you or prepare the right consumable items.
-Make sure the person with the quest hits the DexDoru boss first.
-If someone outside the quest hits the DexDoru boss, it can still drop the next Transmission Gate,
and the unknown person (even if they do not have 70 tamer) can still use the next Transmission Gate.
I confirmed this when some low level decided to be helpful but ignorant of what I was trying to do. >.>.
-[Unconfirmed]: Have the people helping you stay out of your party.
Apparently it raises your chances if the game thinks your solo.
IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi
IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi
-Lv 60+ Tamer
-Lv 41+ Dracomon(Blue) with Slayerdramon unlocked.
-Lv 41+ Dracomon(Green) with Brakedramon unlocked.
IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi
You pick up their quests from Calumon <Jogress> at Dats Center.
IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi
Dracomon(Blue) Quests
IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi
1. Talk to Calumon in Dats
2. Talk again with Calumon.You will have to kill Guilmon until you get the requested item.
3. Talk again with Calumon.Then go these 5 areas :
3.1-Western Area: East-Hideout (Near Greymon)
3.2-Western Area: West-Unknown Ruins(Near Okuwamon)
3.3-Snowman Village-Digimon Grave (Near Chrysalimon)
3.4-Frozen Ground-Freezing Point (Near Renamon)
3.5-Infinite Ice Wall-Frozen Waterfall (Near Gizumon)
4. Talk again with Calumon. Calumon will give you Brakedramon boss card item. Use it anywhere... And Kill.
5. Talk again with Calumon:
5.1-Collect 15-20 Data Access Coil in Oil Refinery-2 & Oil Refinery-3.
5.2-Then use it But You can use only in Oil Refinery-3.If you work, you should get a boss Machinedramon.Kill him.
6. Take the short Jogress Chip quests off Omnimon to finish up and unlock the Examon Slot.
IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi
Dracomon(Green) Quests
IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi
1. Talk to Calumon in Dats.
2. Talk again with Calumon. You will have to kill SkullGreymon until you get the requested item.
3. Talk again with Calumon. Calumon will give you 4 Coil Data Hack item. Use them item in these Digimons:
3.1-Distorted Data Village
3.2-Oil Refinery-2
4. Talk again with Calumon.Calumon will give you Slayerdramon boss card item.Then use this anywhere.. And Kill.
5. Talk again with Calumon :
5.1-Collect 15-20 data access coil in Oil Refinery-2 & 3
5.2-Then use it But You can use only in Oil Refinery-3. If you work, you should get a boss Machinedramon. Kill him.
6. Take the short Jogress Chip quests off Omnimon to finish up and unlock the Examon Slot.
IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi
IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi
-Lv 70+ Tamer
-Lv 41+ Agumon with VictoryGreymon Locked.
-Lv 41+ Agumon with WarGreymon unlocked.
-Lv 41+ Gabumon with ZeedGarurumon Locked.
-Lv 41+ Gabumon with MetalGarurumon unlocked.
-Digimon Maze F3, Room 4 unlocked.
(Alternatively, just Floor 3 if you can find someone to kill the digimon required in Room 4.)
IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi
Digimon Maze Floor 3, Room 2 Unlocked. It goes 1>2>3>4, so again, if you haven't unlocked it, find someone who has.
You now need to do quests for both Agumon and Gabumon and complete them all.
You can only have one of their quests at a time. To pick up their respective quest, have that digimon out.
IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi
You pick up their quests from Calumon <Jogress> at Dats Center.
IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi
Agumon Quests
IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi
1. Eliminate Keramon Leader's in D-Terminal-Dungeon-B2. (Self-Explanatory. Dungeon-B2 in Dats. Req. lv 50 Tamer.)
2. Go to Akihiro Kurata at Yokohama Village after eliminating Keramon Leader.
(He is in the middle of the village, next to tree.)
3. Go back to Calumon in Dats and get the quest to Infermon (Destroyer) in Digimon Maze F3.
4. Go back to Calumon, and get quest to collect a Diablomon Time Bomb.png Diablomon's Time Bomb off Diablomon in Infinite Ice Wall.
(They are past Gizumon. It has a low drop rate.)
5. Go back to Calumon, get quest to summon Armagemon and get a quest drop off him. (Summon him using Armagemon's Tentacle.png Armagemon's Tentacle).
6. Take the short Jogress Chip quests off Omnimon to finish up and unlock the Omnimon Slot.
IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi
Gabumon Quests
IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi
1. Calumon wants you to eliminate Seadramon (Leader) in Snowman Village.
2. Go back to Calumon, pick up quest to eliminate Infermon (Inferno) in Digimon Maze F3. (They are in room 4.)
3. Go to Calumon and pick up quest to get Diablomon Time Bomb.png Diablomon's Time Bomb off Diablomon's in Infinite Ice Wall.
(They are past Gizumon. It has a low drop rate.)
4. Go back to Calumon, get quest to summon Armagemon and get a quest drop off him. (Summon him using Armagemon's Tentacle.png Armagemon's Tentacle).
5. Take the short Jogress Chip quests off Omnimon to finish up and unlock the Omnimon Slot.
IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi
You should now have the ability to Digivolve to Omnimon.
IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi
Regarding Armagemon
IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi
Make sure that the person with the quest hits him first.
He is summoned in front of the broken part of the wall at Digimon Maze Entrance.
IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi
His attribute is Un and weak to light. He hits for about ~600 per hit every 2-ish seconds.
It is a long fight, even with four people.
He is soloable with BM however you will be constantly using Chicken Combo or HP Disks.
On second thought, you'll be constantly be using consumables no matter what Digimon is used to tank it.
Even with 12EV he will hit you somewhat half the time. I recommend having people help out to make it go faster.
IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi
-Lv 55+ Tamer and Lv 70 to get the last quest in the GDMO and Lv 70 in the KDMO.
-Lv 41+ Dorumon(ReptileDramon) Alphamon unlocked.
-Lv 41+ Ryuudamon with OuRyuumon unlocked.
Dorumon(ReptileDramon) Quests
IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi
1. Go to Gallantmon <Royal Knights> at Infinite Ice Wall.(Right side of map, near gizu.) Turn in quest. Get next quest.
2. Kill SkullGreymon for Gallantmon's Records. (It says get rid of Arkadimon. Dunno why.)
3. Gallantmon tells you to find Leomon <X-Antibodies Predator>. (Left side of map.)
4. Leomon tells you to Kill 10 Anubismons. Turn into Calumon at Dats. (Check your quest Reward Person just in case.)
5. Calumon tells you to pick up Transmission Terminal Gate A from him.
6. Collect Death X Antibodies A,B,C,D. ( Important notes on this below. GO READ. )
7. Speak with Omnimon to get Jogress chips and unlock the Jogress slot.
IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi
Ryuudamon Quests
IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi
1. Pick up quest from Calumon in Dats.
2. Go to Calumon at Snowman Village. (He gives next few quests.)
3. Calumon wants you to kill Seadramon for Records on the Legend of the Dragon King 0/1.
4. Calumon wants you to find place where the Aqua Orb is at rest and use the quest item he gave you.
(Near the penguins and use the detection stone.)
5. Turn in quest to Calumon. Follow the prompts. This should lead you back to Calumon at Dats.
6. Collect Spoiled X Antibodies off DexDoruGreymons in Oil Refinery-3 . 0/200. (Yes, get 200. Have fun ~.~)
7. Hand in quest, get quest to talk to Omnimon. Talk to Omnimon to get Jogress chips and unlock slot.
IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi
You should now have the ability to Digivolve to Alphamon Ouryuken.
IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi
DexDorugoramon Bosses (Death X Antibodies A,B,C,D)
IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi
How it works:
-You need Death X Antibodies A, B, C and D.
-They drop off the DexDoru summoned from Transmission Gates A,B,C,D respectively.
-They are not 100% Drop.
-This means you summon DexDorugoramon A with Transmission Gate A. You kill it.
It might drop the required quest item Death X Antibody A. It might drop Transmission Gate B.
-If you get Transmission Gate B, then you summon the next DexDorugoramon Boss 'DexDoru B'.
You kill it. It might drop required quest item Death X Antibody B. It might drop Transmission Gate C.
-It goes on like that. A>B>C>D. If it doesn't drop the Transmission Gate you need,
you need to start over again. You can buy more Transmission Gates A from Calumon.
-You can kill DexDoru boss, and get a Transmission Gate but not a Antibody.
Just use it and kill the higher Dexdoru boss and hope for the next Gate/Antibody quest item.
-You summon them in Western Area: Outskirts, at the top left corner called <Gloomy Outer Area>.
IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi
Important Notes
IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi
-The higher the Transmission Gate, the stronger they get.
-The normal amount I found people had to use is 30-ish Transmission Gate A.
-I recommend getting at least 2 people to help you.
-The bosses are not tough. The hardest is considerably easier than Armagemon.
They still have lots of health. And you will end up killing lots, unless you are lucky with the drops.
*DexDorugoramon bosses are effected by the drop-cap.
You cannot get your high level Digimon to kill them for you.
Get a friend to help you or prepare the right consumable items.
-Make sure the person with the quest hits the DexDoru boss first.
-If someone outside the quest hits the DexDoru boss, it can still drop the next Transmission Gate,
and the unknown person (even if they do not have 70 tamer) can still use the next Transmission Gate.
I confirmed this when some low level decided to be helpful but ignorant of what I was trying to do. >.>.
-[Unconfirmed]: Have the people helping you stay out of your party.
Apparently it raises your chances if the game thinks your solo.
IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi
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