Monday, June 13, 2016

How to tell someone is using CHEAT ENGINE

How to tell someone is using CHEAT ENGINE

you can simply tell someone is using cheat engine by partying with them and looking at their DS because someone using Cheat engine has always empty DS

EMPTY DS is a requirement to enable bug damage

so dont be dunb and call someone overpowered a cheater, make sure they are cheaters by party with them and look at their DS

another way to detect Cheat engine users is if you see them using memory skills very often
and they use it very often to drain their DS, meaning they are enabling Cheat engine bug damage

Seraphimon Cheat engine users

Hellokitty - PainMachine
G3MINI - LucyS

we will update this  blog post with pictures next time

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

ASB has been removed finally

ASB has been removed finally

as the title says you can no longer ASB with your AO in the global server

ever since i played DMO i always here this question "what is ASB?".
basically its the act of using a skill while sinkin in additional attack, not all skills can ASB
ASB = Advance skill break

1 good example of a skill you can ASB is AO F2 skill

expect alot of noobs crying about this

if you have anymore questions just comment below

Sunday, May 8, 2016

how to bug ebonwumon

Battle tag


1 member of the party solo ebonwumon preferably the tanker and 1 heal him
the other 2 member just wait until ebowumon is bugged frozen or unable to attack anymore

and now for the final instruction

just switch digimon while ebonwumon is using hes second poison AOE attack
and he should freeze, after that just attack him until he dies

you can switch digimon while ebonwumon is using hes 1st poison, but it might not work

there ya go enjoy it while it last

comment like and share this!

ebonwumon dungeon bug[ EDG bug ]

 Ebonwumon dungeon bug[ EDG bug ]
or Xuanwumon dungeon bug

description: this bug enables the whole party to kill ebonwumon or xuanwumon final raid with ease

i would like to add that this bug is only for the xuanwumon raid and not marine devi or megaseadra

Saturday, April 30, 2016

Rings and their Differences

 here is the guide
Arcane Quad-Core (from SCD raids) you can got black,yellow,blue (3rd options) and with lucky RED (4options), random stats (need ncs)
Sealed Xuanwumon QuadCore (from box edg) you got Red (4options), random stats (need ncs)
Shiny Xuanwumon Quadcore (from box edg) you got Red (4options), max stats (no need ncs)

same with necklaces but here is my advice if you have like 297 AT in your ring or 19.75% cd in your neck the difference is just 3-9k, remember in dg hits with shock are from 33~46k depends of lucky ^^

if you have any question just comment below

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

NEW ITEM! Digimon Data Exchange

Exchange your Digimon's Data

it exchanges 2 identical kind of digimons Size,Clone and even evolution

i repeat the digimon must be the same digimon line!

agumon 1 has size 120%
agumon 2 has size 80%

if you use the  Digimon Data Exchange

here is the result
agumon 2 has size 120%
agumon 1 has size 80%

same goes for the clons and evolution line
i repeat the digimon must be the same digimon line!

ask questions in the comment below

Monday, January 18, 2016

special pardon for some banned account accounts

Hello. Tamers!
We have discussed about this issue in some detail within the department, and then we notice our decision.
IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi 

Fortunately, We will execute special pardon for some accounts blocked by abusing Duplication bug on Dec 22 2015.
IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi IiIiIi 

Therefore, Some account can be entered Gdmo after Jan 18 2016 at 20:00
If we proceed the additional amnesty about abusing issue, we will notice like this.
Let`s make clean and better environment.

Thank you for your attention.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Increase your tera this month

This month we have a avatar that is tradable and its on a box buy that and resell after the sale

i suggest u buy the 1 days santa box as its the 1 that will make the most profit and the1 that will sell fast

buy a few devil fruit if you want but focus on the santa costume boxes

lets wait for next monts sale :]